Santa did great! Kae got the black fireman outfit he asked for and Izee got a do-da (aka: guitar) just like he asked for.
Santa also got each of the boys a new "Cars" bike.
The Santa presents were such a hit that the boys played with them the whole time we made breakfast. After breakfast we opened the rest of the presents. We all got some great gifts!
The boys got new Hess trucks from their great-grandmother. Kae, Izee, Daddy and Poppi enjoy playing with the new trucks.
The boys also got superhero dress up clothes, a garbage truck and drums.
Don't worry, the adults got presents too.
Among other gifts, Poppi got the poster of the front range that he wanted, Nonna got a new Christmas sweater, Daddy got a superman shirt, and Mommy got the cookbook she really wanted. (I must have said I wanted it a few times because I got it from both my husband and my mom.)
After all that excitement we all needed some rest. Izee loved his guitar so much he wanted to nap with it. We convinced him to sleep without it but he still plays it everyday.
I also got new PJs and slippers. Cute, huh?