We start the day after Thanksgiving by putting up the lights on the house. A couple days later we put on our Christmas hats and decorated the tree.
The Monday after Thanksgiving we went to visit Santa at his workshop at Bass Pro Shop. Kae really wanted to do this as early as possible so the elves would have plenty of time to build the firehouse he wanted.
The last day of Kindergarten the Kindergarteners sang some songs (including Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer) and then decorated cookies and gingerbread houses.

After school was out the boys and I made cookies for my cookie exchange and cinnamon dough ornaments for our friends and neighbors.
The Thursday before Christmas Gigi (the boys' great grandmother) arrived from Texas. Friday we all went bowling and then came home and did some Wii bowling.

Christmas eve we went to church to see Kae and his choir sing at church. Then we drove around and looked at lights. When we got home the little boys put on their PJs and got the cookies and egg nog ready for Santa. Then we checked the computer to see where Santa was. It showed Santa in the Central time zone. When I told the boys that Santa was over The United States they ran downstairs and went straight to bed so they would be asleep when Santa came. It was the easiest time I have ever had putting them to bed.

When they woke up Christmas morning, the boys were super excited to see what Santa had brought and what was in all the presents under the tree. Kae even helped pass out the presents.
Gigi left the next morning, but before she headed back to Texas we had breakfast together and got a picture of the 4 generation together.