Monday, December 5, 2011


The Friday before Thanksgiving Izee and I joined Kae and his Kindergarten class for their feast. The kids got to dress as either a Native American or a Pilgrim. Kae went as a Native American and Izee went as a Pilgrim.
We had a delicious feast of turkey, cheese, rolls, fruit and veggies.After the food the Kindergartener's showed us some of their awesome dance moves.Then all the kids got set free in the classroom to read and play. Kae showed Izee the reading carpet and some of the toys they get to play with in Kindergarten.
Izee had so much fun! He asked the teacher if he can come back and be a Kindergartener when he gets "little bitty bigger".

Uncle Ethan and Aunt Jenny drove in for Thanksgiving. We were too busy chatting, cooking, playing Wii and eating to take any pictures on Thanksgiving day. We had a delicious meal!

The day after Thanksgiving, when our turkey coma wore off, the boys and I went ice skating with Aunt Jenny. (Uncle Ethan, Nonna, Poppi and Daddy stayed at home to put up Christmas lights.)
Saturday Poppi, Mommy, Daddy, Uncle Ethan and Aunt Jenny went on a tour of New Belgium Brewery. It was a very fun tour and included tastings of 5 different beers. The final stop on the tour was the slide. Mommy didn't do the slide but she got great pictures of everyone else sliding.
(Uncle Ethan)

(Aunt Jenny)



We also took Aunt Jenny and Uncle Ethan to our local downtown for our tree lighting and to see the Christmas lights.

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