Friday, May 29, 2009

Bulldozers & Bikes

If you were a 2 and a half year old little boy, then Wednesday would have been the perfect day for you. In the morning we went to the Little Builders exhibit at the Museum. In the evening we went on a bike ride.

At Little Builders, we never actually made it into the exhibit because all the opening day festivities were too fun. They had build your own snacks where Kae made a wagon that even had gummi bear passengers.After getting Kae his sugar fix we went outside to see the trucks. There was a snow plow, a cherry-picker, a bulldozer, a scraper, and some kid of work truck with a giant auger attachment. Nonna stopped by to see the festivities too and posed with Kaleb and the snow plow.
The place was pretty crowded and there were lines to sit in the trucks but Kae was really good about waiting and he got a chance to sit in each one of the trucks.
Here is my favorite picture from the day with the big trucks. Kae was showing me how big he is standing next to the bulldozer's wheel.When we got home from all the big truck fun Kae took a great nap. You would be amazed how exhausting it can be to see trucks.

Wednesday evening was the first night of the Wednesday evening rides in the city. They had about 24 bikers turn out. It was a lot of fun. Andrew and I rode our cruisers since it isn't a speed ride and the boys both rode in the trailer. We winded through the streets in old town.
I'm not sure how long the whole ride is but we stopped after about 40 minutes so the boys could play at the park. They are great bike passengers but they have a limit. We usually take the bike to the pool or the park so they pretty much expect fun after a ride.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Big Brave Kae

Today we decided to go to the Boulder Creek Festival. It was not supposed to rain until the afternoon so we thought we had time to go in the morning. I didn't realize that the Bolder Boulder would close off half the city. We ended up parking a little ways away. I wasn't exactly sure where on the creek the festival was either. We ended up finding the rides first. After checking out all the kiddie rides, Kae decided to ride the red car. (Yes, it had to be the red one.) Kae is a pretty cautious kid so I think the car ride seemed the least scary. Kae did great and had a blast!

As soon as the ride ended he said, "Mommy I ride the spaceship". The spaceships were right next to the cars but they go up and down and round and round. He wasn't sure about them until after he realized how fun the cars were. He wanted to ride the red spaceship, of course, but it was broken so he rode the purple spaceship with another little girl. The ride attendants loved him! He was smiling and singing while he was riding the spaceship. He was also putting both his hands in the air and giving them high-5's when he would go past.

After the spaceship ride ended, Kae told me, "Mommy I ride the dragon". The dragon is a dragon shaped kids roller coaster. When we first go to the festival I asked Kae if he wanted to ride the dragon and he said no. He was way too scared to even try it. But after all the fun he had on the car and the spaceship I guess he figured the dragon ride must be fun too. It was a little after noon at this point and Izy was starting to get a little hungry and fussy. so I told Kae he could ride the dragon after lunch. While we were looking for food it started raining really hard. We ended up under the eaves of a nearby building to eat. Kae and Izy both had chicken on a stick. Technically Kae had chicken on a stick and izy had little pieces of chicken I took off the stick and cut up for him. They both loved it!
Unfortunately the rain made them shut down the dragon ride and we couldn't stay long enough for them to get it reopened. :( So after the rain slowed and we finished eating Kae rode the fire truck with daddy instead.
After we used up all our tokens we got some roasted corn to snack on and started our long trek back to the car. We decided to actually walk along the creek on the way back. Kae ended up eating the entire ear of corn by himself on the way to the car. I'm guessing it was tasty. Once we got home, both of the boys took great naps. We all had a great time even with the rain.

Slow Down, Izy!

My little baby Izy is growing way too fast!

A few weeks ago he started crawling. Now he goes all over the house. He can even crawl up and down the one step we have in our house.

Then a few days ago he started using the furniture to pull up to his feet. Saturday he asked for something by pointing to it and grunting. Yesterday he signed all-done when he was done eating. He is turning into such a little person! Where did my little baby go?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Mom Rocks!

Thanks, Amanda, for posting this link on your blog!

I sent the following video to a bunch of friends (personalized for them, of course) but here is my video. Yay me! :)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

I Got The Job!

I start work on June 1st. I think the hardest part for me will be the training. I have to train full time for 3 weeks. After that I'll be part-time. I'm not sure how the boys will do with me being gone that much. I've never been gone that much from them. Izy is still nursing too. He's never gone down for a nap without nursing. Good luck, Andrew! (Andrew will be home with them so that will help.)

We finished up our garage sale today. Overall it was a pretty good sale. We made about $250 so not a bad haul. It is really weird what people will buy! Some stuff I think it great, no one bought and other things I think are garbage, people buy. The few remaining things are mostly being donated to local charities. A couple things we are going to post on craig's list.

Kae and Izy did great playing in the front yard for the last couple days. Below is the boys hanging out in sale central. Notice the high chairs for meals outside too.

Monday, May 18, 2009

A New Job (maybe) and A New Hairstyle

For the last 3 years, when people ask me what I do for a living I say, "I'm a mom". I'll still be a mom, of course, but I might be an employee too soon. Today I had a job interview. It was a little bit of a weird experience. Since I haven't had a job in almost 3 years I really had to think hard to remember all my work experience to answer the interviewer's questions. The hardest thing right now is waiting. The manager is going out of town for the rest of the week so it will be late next week before I hear anything. I'll update my blog when I have more job news.

On a different note, I have a new hairstyle. I was starting to get tired of the curly hair. I decided to try straitening my hair to look more professional. So far I'm really liking it better straight. Here's a picture of the new hairstyle (and the cute boys too).

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Spring Cleaning

Once we got the boys down for their nap today I had the crazy idea to clean out the garage. 8 hours later, we are finally done. We started by pulling everything out of the garage and putting it in either a sell, keep or trash pile. We also had a sort pile for the boxes that were full of miscellaneous things. Once we had 4 piles the boys woke up. At this point our progress was substantially slowed. Kae wanted to play with everything. Especially the things we want to sell. Izy kept crawling toward the bikes or trying to eat sticks. (Although he did put up with my taking pictures of him in the cute hat.) Still we were able to finish sorting the sort pile. Once everything was sorted we took a short break for a dinner picnic of pizza and cheesy bread. Then we started the long process of putting everything back in the garage. Andrew and I took turns putting things away while the other one was getting the kids bathed or dressed or into bed. With the kids tucked back in their rooms, progress sped up. We now have everything put away. We were going to try to have a garage sale in a couple weeks. However, we found out our neighbors are having one Friday & Saturday. We might try to have one then too and benefit from the traffic their sale gets. We'll see if we can get everything priced and ready to sell by Friday.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Starting Our Blog

I finally decided to join the trend and start a blog for our family. We have a family photo website but I want to be able to tell our stories as well since my little boys do a lot of really funny things.

Kae is 2 and a half and loves to talk and sing. He is always making some kind of noise. He is also very busy. He loves to ride his bike, play sports, and give his stuffed animals baths. Today Kae informed me that he wanted to dress himself but he didn't know how.

Izy is 10 months old and is crawling now and getting into everything. He wants whatever his brother is playing with. He loves playing and eating. He already has seven teeth so eats pretty much whatever we are eating. He can eat a ton.

Andrew is a fantastic husband and father. Right now he is looking for work since this terrible economy caused him to lose his job. The boys love it when he isn't working because he gets to spend a lot more time with them. He plays weekly softball games and monthly poker games to keep the testosterone flowing.

I've been a stay-at home mom now for almost 3 years. I love staying home with my boys (most of the time). Our days are filled with playdates, Spanish classes, music classes and general craziness. Both boys still take afternoon naps so I get some time to catch up on my tivo'd shows and facebook. I also really enjoy cake decorating but I can't do it too much or we would all be much chubbier.